Our Founders
It all starts with a meeting, that of a dermatologist expert in anti-aging and a specialist in the dermo-cosmetic industry. Working together in an international laboratory, they develop and distribute skin care products all over the world. Frequent trips to Europe, the Middle East and Asia lead them to the observation that there is a real lack of adaptation of products, however developed, to the particularities and needs of each skin type. Although all cultures follow their own facial care and beaut protocols, an important piece of the puzzle is often missing: the realization that daily passive exposure to the sun causes more damage to the skin than proactive sun exposure. Thus was born the innovative idea of creating the first expert photoageing laboratory to develop precursor prevention and care products adapted to all skin types and to give shape to the vision of its creators. DermEden’s modernity, its appeal to users looking for effective and functional solutions on a daily basis, to preserve their beauty capital over the long term and to offer them the most complete sensory experience, these are their wishes. Although essential for the life and radiance of the complexion, light generates from a very young age effects that are undetectable to the naked eye, the first factors of skin aging that are visibly revealed as the years go by. From now on, through a range of innovative products, DermEden allows you to defend your skin’s natural resources in order to preserve its beauty capital in the long term.
The Founders - Dermatologist 20 years of clinical experience I skin ageing PhD in Dermatology Former Head of Clinic at Paris’s Hospitals (APHP) Head of a Dermatological Surgery Center in Paris Founder and Medical Director of DermEden Award-winning Inventor of the DermEden formulas
John Buffer
Mr Hajir Hakim Hashemi
President CEO
20 years of experience in pharmaceutical industry.
DR. Nicolas Bachot
20 years of clinical experience In skin ageing
PhD in Dermatology
Former Head of Clinic at Paris’s Hospitals (APHP)
Head of a Dermatological Surgery Center in Paris
Founder and Medical Director of DermEden
Award-winning Inventor of the DermEden